Society Switzerland Bhutan

    Climate Change in Bhutan

    Friday, 20.9.2024, Songtsen House Zürich

    Climate Change 

    • Online Talk by Kuenzang (ICIMOD),
    • Screening of THE MESSENGER Documentary by Jamyang Jamtsho Wangchuk, Bhutan, 2023
    • Screening of MOUNTAIN MAN Documentary by Arun Bhattarai, Bhutan, 2022

    Excursion to Wyssen Skyline Cranes

    Saturday, 29.6.2024 Reichenbach im Kandertal


    The Society Switzerland - Bhutan had the opportunity to visit the company Jakob Wyssen in Reichenbach im Kandertal. Through Nola Machineries, Jakob Wyssen's company has been sending cable cranes to Bhutan for timber harvesting since the 1980s. We were lucky and grateful that Jamyang Tobgay and Sangay Jamtsho from Nola Forestry Machinery were also in Switzerland. Together with Jakob Wyssen, they gave us a great overview of their working experience with the cable cranes in areas such as forest management and dam construction.

    Talk by Lhaki Dolma: “My experience as a Politician and the Future of Women in Politics in Bhutan”

    Thursday, 6.6.24 Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich


    Impressions from the talk by Lhaki Dolma on „My Experience as a Politician and the Future of Women in Politics in Bhutan“ at the Zurich University of Teacher Education.

    Movie: BUELWA – An Offering

    (Bhutan, 2023, 91 minutes)

    Friday, 31.5.24, Songtsen House Zurich


    Introducing Charmi Chheda’s film “Buelwa - An Offering” to the audience at Songtsen House Zurich. Camera: Jigme Tenzing.

    Buelwa (Dzongkha: An Offering) is about the traditional and strict Khenpo Tempa who is sent out of the monastery by the head lama (Lopen Rinpoche) to work with the youth. For Khenpo Tempa, his service and work with the youth becomes “Buelwa” (an offering) to the king and the country.

    SSB General Assembly 2024

    Saturday, March 23, 2024 at Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich (PHZH)

     GA 24 1

    More than 70 members and guests attended the General Assembly of the Society Switzerland-Bhutan on 25 March.
    The members elected Tina Roner and Claudio Zingg as Co-Presidents of the SSB for the period 2024 - 2026. Markus Wild was elected as a new member of the Board.

    GA 24 0
    After the annual report by President Claudio Zingg, Ambassador Tenzin Rondel Wangchuk gave an interesting presentation on "Current Issues in Bhutan".

    GA 24 2

    In the afternoon grogram of the General Assembly of the Society Switzerland-Bhutan on 25 March, 3 PhD students from Bhutan studying in Switzerland presented their topics.
    Karma Sherub (ETH Zurich) PhD in Environmental Systems Science. Topic: Environmental DNA (eDNA) Analysis to explore Biodiversity from Water.
    Pema Wangchuk (University of Basel) PhD in Epidemiology, Public Health and One Health. Topic: Neglected Tropical Diseases focused on Zoonotic Infections
    Tshewang Nidup (ETH Zurich) PhD in Civil Engineering. Topic: Exploration and Performance Assessment of Viable Timber Building Systems for Bhutanese Condition

    Dasho Karma Ura (President Centre of Bhutan & GNH Studies)

    Radical Migrations: From Eastern to Western Bhutan and beyond

    Songtsen House Zurich, 12.1.2024


    Dasho Karma Ura shared his insights on the recent trends of Bhutanese migration within Bhutan and outside Bhutan to Australia and the Middle East and its implications for Bhutan’s development, culture, and identity.

    View the talk on YouTube:

    A Movie by our member Marie-Noëlle Frei-Pont

    Link to the movie




    Upcoming Events

    Friday, 31.1.25, 19:30

    Movie: "The Monk and the Gun" (Bhutan 2023)

    Songsten House Zurich,
    Gubelhangstrasse 7,
    8050 Zürich Oerlikon

    Saturday, 15.3.2025, 10:00

    General Assembly 2025

    Afternoon Programme:
    Movie: "Agent of Happiness" (Bhutan 2024)
    Q&A with the Directors Dorottya Zurbò and Arun Battharai



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