
    Pilot Bakery Project, Bjoka Primary School, Zhemgang

    The main objective of this project is to supplement the nutritional values received by the school children under the Ministry's general school feeding program. As a fact bread has high carbohydrate and nutritional values to help children build themselves and grow physically and mentally strong.

    By providing the technical equipment and the adequate stock with all the necessary ingredients for making bread till the end of the school session and last but not least by training six staff-members in bread-making and handling the special equipment the school children can get fresh and clean bread for breakfast now thrice a week.

    This project was implemented through the Bhutan - Switzerland Society in Thimphu and funded by two private donators through the Society Switzerland - Bhutan.


    Bjoka Pilot Bakery Project (June 2018, pdf)

    Bjoka Pilot Bakery Project (pdf)









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