Registration Excursion 2018
Registration Excursion 2018
Please till May 18, 2018
Registration GA 2017
Date/Time: Saturday, March 11, 2017, 10:00-15:30 h
Venue: Berne
Please let us know as soon as possible but no later than March 1, 2017, if you plan to attend the General Assembly.
Thank you!
Registration GA 2018
Date/Time: Saturday, March 17, 2018, 10.00-16.30 h
Venue: Ethnographic Museum University of Zurich / Völkerkundemuseum, Pelikanstrasse 40, Zürich (Map)
Please let us know as soon as possible but no later than March 5, 2018, if you plan to attend the General Assembly.
Thank you!