Far apart and close together

    Bhutan UmschlagISBN 978-3-9523611-1-5

    200 pp, 305 x 235 mm, hardcover
    224 photographs and illustrations
    with DVD “Gross National Happiness in Bhutan”

    Contents (pdf)
    Preview chapter
    "Transitions in Cooperation" (pdf)
    Impressum (pdf)


    Sales Switzerland / Europe

    CHF 30 / € 24
    plus packing / postal fees


    Sales Bhutan

    NU 1800
    Peljorkhang Private Limited, N-18 Bdling, Zeden Lam, Upper Chubachu (second lane behind Textile Museum), GPO 187, Thimphu, Bhutan Tel +975-2-323386 Ext.118 (G) 333214 (D), Fax:+975-2-322716 www.peljorkhang.com.bt

    Upcoming Events

    Friday, 31.1.25, 19:30

    Movie: "The Monk and the Gun" (Bhutan 2023)

    Songsten House Zurich,
    Gubelhangstrasse 7,
    8050 Zürich Oerlikon

    Saturday, 15.3.2025, 10:00

    General Assembly 2025

    Afternoon Programme:
    Movie: "Agent of Happiness" (Bhutan 2024)
    Q&A with the Directors Dorottya Zurbò and Arun Battharai



    Society Switzerland-Bhutan

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